Gamification in contact centres can accomplish so much more than simply drive performance. It humanises the work experience and makes the hard stuff fun.
Motivate learners by providing intrinsic rewards that stimulate student interest. Make learning fun again in a gamified or game-based learning environment.
Breaking bad habits is much easier with gamification in mix and you can use it to supercharge your workforce when you do it right. Here’s how.
Real-world examples of how gamification elements improve sales team performance by leveraging core drives and human-focused design.
Beware of these 9 reasons gamification FAILS. Design your program for the WIN!
Do the oldest games we know contain elements of behaviour-changing design? We speculate on their potential for changing behaviour through gamification.
Playa is here to help you understand extrinsic and intrinsic motivation like a boss.
Gamified solutions appeal to a multigenerational workforce. Baby Boomers and Gen X-Y-Z all stay engaged with work through applied game theory and mechanics
Gamification works because it taps the powerful, instinctive drive that is our love of competition. We propose harnessing it for social good. Are you in?
Achievement badges are effective motivators for your employees to learn new skills or engage with something new & unfamiliar.
Using collectables in gamification sustains engagement and taps into a deep-rooted human drive to collect and acquire things.
Is gamification’s demise eminent? Instead of planning a funeral, we propose a reboot. Hello Motivational Design; the future of gamification.
The importance of high quality, regular content in order to aid a gamification solution cannot be overstated. We describe that content and the benefits.
Good gamification design combines the right active ingredients, in the right order, to create a dynamic, personally satisfying solution.
Find out more about changing habits with gamification in your business.
Can gamification impact a wellness culture? We say yes! Read this to find out how.
Take a look at the six player types and their motivational drivers used in gamified solutions design. Once you know the player, you’ll know the game.