Motivate learners by providing intrinsic rewards that stimulate student interest. Make learning fun again in a gamified or game-based learning environment.
Wondering what the future of the workplace will look like? Find out more about gamification and how it’s changing global companies for the better.
Find out how the principles of gamification can super charge the quality and quantity of survey feedback.
Data shows traditional compliance training just isn’t working. Learn why gamification is an informed training solution for compliance-savvy employees.
For effective behaviour change, use big-picture thinking to get an overview of the many moving parts that make up an effective gamification strategy.
Learn how the efficiency of your gamified microlearning feedback loop allows you to clarify goals, enrich the learning experience and drive engagement.
Can gamification and motivational design effectively change perceptions and ultimately result in measurable action or behaviour? Gamification for change.
Gamification can improve results in learning environments both conventional and electronic. We look at the benefits of gamification in education.
It’s alive! Use gamification to resurrect an ailing project. Stimulate growth and development by treating your workforce like an autonomous life form.
Beware of these 9 reasons gamification FAILS. Design your program for the WIN!
Find out how gamification improves effectiveness of the learning experience. There’s a lot more than simply ‘bolting on’ game elements.
Achievement badges are effective motivators for your employees to learn new skills or engage with something new & unfamiliar.
Employee onboarding generally doesn’t get the attention it deserves. In fact, it’s reported that just 32% of companies have a formalised onboarding process.
The importance of high quality, regular content in order to aid a gamification solution cannot be overstated. We describe that content and the benefits.
The marriage of gamification and learning is an incredibly clever way to encourage people to learn.
In this post, we look at how intelligent gamification can significantly improve your e-learning tool and learner outcomes.